UV meter for Old photography process, like Van Dyke, Cyanotype, etc.

UV meter for Old photography process, like Van Dyke, Cyanotype, etc.


Welcome to the UV meter & posemeter wiki!

I describe a simple tool and code to realize a UV meter. Based on

  • Arduino ProMini 328P 3.3v 8MHz (no USB connector in ProMini in order to, for example, reduce power consumption)
  • RTC DS3231
  • screen SSD1306_128 * 64
  • UV cell MT8511
  • and : wires, holder battery, battery, case, etc...

The UV cell is fixed at the end of a flexible cable to be able to more easily make a measurement behind negative or positive film/rodoide.

In the LCD screen I'displaying:

  • Date, MM, SS ( displayed in yellow)
  • UV intensity (mW / cm ^ 2) instantaneous (displayed in blue)
  • UV intensity (mW / cm ^ 2) total from beggining (displayed in blue)
  • UV intensity (mW / cm ^ 2) per minutes (displayed in blue)

what serves me as a basis for comparing UV exposures by lamp or outdoor or sun, or cloud ...

Rolland Philippe - Vannes, France. 12/2018