Once you've created your part, you may want to give it a quality check by going through this list of questions.
Part Graphics:
- Does the part look like the component it's supposed to represent in all three views?
- Does the part contrast enough on the breadboard?
Part Properties:
- Do all part properties show up in the Inspector correctly?
- Can you change the part's properties in the Inspector? (when the part belongs to a certain family)
Part Connectors:
- Does the part fit in the breadboard?
- Do connectors turn green when components are placed in the breadboard?
- Can connectors be individually selected and wired, in all three views?
- Is the selection area on the part in the correct place?
- Do colors of connectors contrast enough to be seen and be selected?
- Based on a datasheet, are the connectors labeled correctly and consistently in all three views?