This is a high level overview; for details check our issue tracker.
- Proper parts and project sharing
PCB View
- Many more! See the separate part development list.
User Interface
- coherent cross-view concept for ratsnests (under way)
Parts Editor
- More streamlined parts creation
- web-app part search integration
Breadboard View
PCB View
- Presets for production options (diy vs. professional etching, etc.)
- Autoplacement of parts
All Views
- Fancy drawing options for wires/traces
- "Tidy up wires" - put all wires/traces on a nice 90/45 deg angles
- Support for off-board parts
Electrical rules checking
- Hints on short circuits, wrong voltages, etc.
Modules (Composite Parts)
- Turn a Fritzing sketch into a module
- Publish and share modules
- Define if modules will be integrated or external to your PCB
- skinning modules
- "code" modules for CPUs, FPGAs, etc.
Support for other EDAs
- Export to KiCad, gEDA formats
- Import footprints and schematics (partly done)
Programming Window
- Basic IDE support for programming Arduino, other microcontrollers (partly done)
Project Documentation
- Full range of export options