Release version 0.9.3b
Continuously updated parts library
The Fritzing parts library is now stored online at github and is automatically checked for updates. This means you will now get new parts (or fixes) in the moment when they are created. No need to wait for the next Fritzing release anymore!
Critical bug fix for messed up PCB traces
We have been plagued by an annoying bug that occasionally caused PCB traces to get loose and flip around. It has been tricky to track down but it's finally fixed, sigh.. Plus, the fix will recover any files that have been mangled by this bug!
High-DPI display support
Fritzing now looks properly on High-DPI (aka Retina) displays on all platforms. It's not really high-res but scaling well according to the higher screen resolution.
Easier handling of self-created parts
Custom / self-made parts and bins used to be stored in a hidden location on your hard
drive, which made it really annoying to edit them with an external tool such as Illustrator
or a text editor.
They are now conveniently located in your ~/Documents/Fritzing folder for easy access!
Load/Save uncompressed fritzing files (.fz)
You can now alternatively save your fritzing sketches as an uncompressed set of files (.fz plus additional custom parts etc). This allows for proper versioning with systems like git or svn. Thanks to Sergio Oller (zeehio) for this contribution.
File icons
fzz, fzb, fzp, etc. now also have shiny file icons on Mac (thanks to scribblemaniac) and Ubuntu Linux (thanks to el-j - for the latter you have to run the script)
New Parts
Added and/or revised by Fabian Althaus (el-j):
- Full set of Molex Picoblade and Hirose DF13 header series, thanks to steelgoose
- Lots of new SparkFun parts, thanks to support from SparkFun:
- ESP8266 Thing Dev Board
- Stepoko
- Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V and 5V
- Arduino Mega Pro 3.3V
- Badger RedStick and Array
- Myoware Cable Shield, Power Shield, and Proto Shield
- Ludus Protoshield and Protoshield Wireless
- CAN-Bus Shield
- MIDI Shield
- FemtoBuck LED Driver
- Load Sensor Combinator
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- BME280 Breakout
- LSM303C 6-DOF-IMU Breakout
- SHT1x Humidity/Temperature Breakout
- 16 Output I/O Expander Breakout - SX1509
- Particle Photon
- Raspberry Pi 3 and Zero, thanks to Nagaranudit
- DQuid IO GPRS, thanks to DQuid team
- nRF24L01 2.4GHz RF, thanks to Doume
- nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz RF, thanks to Richard Bruneau
- RFduino BLE SMT, thanks to Arnaud Boudou, Felix Kosmalla
- Micro Python pyboard, thanks to Mike Causer
- Pololu A4988 stepper motor driver, thanks to Matteo Perini
- WeMos D1 Mini, thanks to Mike Causer
- Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout, thanks to pkurtans
- Adafruit push-power button
- Adafruit Powerboost 500C, thanks to Dean Cording
- Bluetooth HC-05 module, thanks to Computação na Escola
- HC-SR04 distance sensor, thanks to Ricky Ng-Adam
- SIM800L GPRS breakout, thanks to AlbMA
- Monacor LTR 110 line transformer
- MBR745 Schottky diode, thanks to S. van Doorn
- 10A rectifier diode, thanks to tomaskovacik
- OMRON G5LE and NVF4-2 relays, thanks to tomaskovacik
- MPX2010 pressure sensor, thanks to Knutse
- MPX4250AP pressure sensor, thanks to Old Grey
- 174917 DENSO ECU-socket, thanks to Old Grey
- Rotary Switch 12 position 1 pole, thanks to Old Grey
- 4060 counter/divider, thanks to neutmute
- LM124-324 Quad Opamp, thanks to Knutse
- Hi-Link HLK-PM01 power module, thanks to inahas
- LTC3105 step-up DC/DC converter
- Refined ruler design, thanks to duff2013
New/updated Translations
- Czech, thanks to Vasekdvor
- German, thanks to Atalanttore and aknoerig
- Italian, thanks to Gianpaolo Macario
- Polish, thanks to jacekjaros
- Portuguese, thanks to Bruno Ramalhete
- Spanish, thanks to bazza
- Turkish, thanks to Kaan Özdinçer
- Vietnamese, thanks to Duyệt Đinh Xuân
..and various smaller improvements and fixes, including contributions from Duane Johnson, Luke Benstead, Nicolas Raynaud, scribblemaniac and duff2013. Thanks!