Even though we are a mostly German team, we have decided to provide our documentation in English, to reach the largest possible audience. As you will have noticed, the Fritzing software has already been translated by our users into many other languages. The next step is to translate the Fritzing tutorials -- please contribute!
- Jismal has seven popular starter projects. They also sell electronics parts and kits.
- Start Hardware mit vielen Fritzing-Beispielen, von Stefan Hermann
- Primeros Pasos, Construyendo un Circuito pdfs de Germana Oiveira
- Que es Fritzing de Automatismos_Xl_Mundo
- Tutorial: Fritzing en español video de Anton Girod
- Fritzing video tutorial de mochilo85
- Tutorial Fritzing basico en 12 minutos video de MrNutaaq
- Completo tutorial de Fritzing en español by Opiron
Les tutoriaux de Fritzing traduit par Yves Mergy:
- Construir une maquette (pdf)
- La création des composants (pdf)
- Concevoir un circuit imprimé (pdf)
- Créer une forme personnalisée pour un circuit imprimé (pdf)
- Fritzing video tutorial NiktorTheNat
- Criando um Projeto no Fritzing (fpga4all)
- Criando componentes no Fritzing (fpga4all)