This sketch is based on the replacement of the 7 segment clock in-out temperature display of my Hymer 660 Campervan of 1997.


This sketch is based on the replacement of the 7 segment clock in-out temperature display of my Hymer 660 Campervan of 1997.
The module was totally distroyed trough the accid that has been leaking out of the nicad backup battery for years.

The origial module had push buttons for setting the minutes en hours, 1 switch for turning the display on and off.
And one tumble switch for displaying the inside and outside temperature, witch overruled the clock display for about 7 seconds.
I used the original switches and buttons.


Hardware required   :

1 x Pro Mini board
2 x DHT-11 Temperature Humidity Sensors
1 x I2C Serial 1602 LCD Module
1 x Tiny RTC Module, only DS1307 Clock was used.
1 x FT232RL USB > Serial for interfacing the Pro-Mini
2 x PushButton for setting the minutes and hours
1 x On-Off Switch for setting the display background on and off.
1 x Toggle switch for switching between inside and outside temperature sensors.
5 x 10 KOhm PullUp resistors.
1 x D.I.Y. 12volt > 5Volt down converter with 7805 regulator.



This actually is a clock, calendar with 2 temperature moisure sensors. One for inside and one for outside measering.

The module can be programmed trough the FTDI323 interface, once programmed this module can be removed, it is only needed incase of a crash or modifying the software.

The Module has 4 buttons, 1 toggle switch for checking the temperature inside and outside.

One on/off switch to turn of the display, actually it is turning only off the backlight of the display.

And two pushbuttons to advance the minutes and hours by one for setting the time.

Normaly the module shows only the time and date, in case of power faillure the time is backed up on the tiny RTC with a 3volt battery.

The date can only be changed trough the FTDI interface.

The time display is interrupted by the temperature toggle switch for about 7 seconds and then returns again to the minutes display.


The LCD display starts not on position one because of the size limitations of the original module. It can be easely changed in the code.

Further, all display messages and abbrev. are in Dutch language, and can also easely changed to your language.


Have fun, Jay