
...or how to read a hall effect sensor with an LCD screen.
This is my first attempt at putting together a PCB/Schematic using fritzing.
In theory, the male headers (J1 and J2), will connect to a hall effect sensor and LCD screen, respectively, via ribbon cables.
All you have to do is program the ATMEGA to read the Sensor on pin 4 (arduino pin D2) and output the information to the LCD screen.
VCC1, D1, C1, U1, C2, and C3 = 5V power supply. R1 and LED1 = power indicator. R2 = Contrast pot for LCD Screen. R3 = pull up resistor for Hall Effect Sensor. Y1 = 16MHz ceramic resonator for the ATMEGA IC. J1 and J2 = Male headers for connecting Hall Effect Sensor and LCD screen via ribbon cable. U2 = ATMEGA168/328 IC.
I wanted to have the ribbon cable set-up so the LCD screen could be mounted onto the top of a project box while the PCB could be mounted on the bottom of the project box. Likewise, I wanted to have the Hall Effect Sensor on the end of a tether so I could have the anemometer 20+ ft. in the air while still being able to read the data off the screen.
I designed this to be used with a home cooked Anemometer to measure wind speeds, hence the name, Arduino + Anemometer = Arduimometer.