Arduino Android Bluetooth Panzer

Control an Arduino Panzer using Android over Bluetooth. DIY DC Motor Driver using 555 Integrated Circuit.
DIY Arduino-Android Bluetooth RC Panzer.
Well, it is really inexpensive if you have some old toys in the box like I do. If you don't, here are the parts you need for this project.
* An arduino, here I use $19.95 Sparkfun RedBoard which is Uno R3 compatible. I'm lucky enough to get a nine-dollar RedBoard on Arduino's Birthday. (Cheaper arduino mini pro might works as well)
* $4.95 half-size Breadboard (you can omit this one if you are good at soldering directly to the IC).
* $6.43 JY-MCU Bluetooth Module (the chepest bluetooth module on the net I think, and it works well).
* 4 pcs of $0.49 IC-555 (here we save few bucks on motor driver module, but use it only on standard tamiya dc motors which consume less power).
* Some mini cables or 1-pin project cables.
* 9V battery or 7.4V Li-Po Battery. (9V battery is easy to get but it drains quickly. Li-Po is rechargeable and there is a tutorial to make a cheap powerful one using phone's BL-5C battery.
* Add an on/off switch between the battery (+) and breadboard (+). It is not shown in the circuit but sure you need to turn off your tank aren't you.
If you have old tamiya toys and car/tank chasis you can skip spending these parts :
* $10.95 Tamiya Dual Motor Gearbox if you don't have any old tamiya DC Motors. We need two DC Motors.
* $6.95 Tamiya Universal Plate Set.
Connect all those parts just like my fritzing sketch.
Download android bluetooth rc car apk in Play Store. Here is the link.
Turn on your Panzer. Turn on Bluetooth RC Car application on your android phone. Click on menu and connect to pair with your panzer. When the green light appear on the left upper corner, then you are ready to go.
Enjoy your new toy ( ^_^ )v