Arduino Controlled RGB LED Light Strips
for custom programs and lighting effects using 12v RGB LED Light Strips
i have been working on a way to control some 12v RGB LED Light Strips using an Arduino so i can make custom programs and lighting effects
it is quite simple but you will need a few parts
- 1x or 2x Mini Amps (for interfacing with a Micro-Controller (PWM/TTL Input)) $23 ea
- up to 4x reels of 12v RGB LED Flex Strip per Mini Amp (you could also use them for 3/ch of single color control) (or any other 12v load like small motors, lights or relays)
follow the instructions in the picture then write to your output Pins to control the lights/devices
Arduino Code
- analogWrite(PinX, 255) // = Off (for 0--100% (PWM) LED Lights)
- analogWrite(PinX, 0) // = On (for 0--100% (PWM) LED Lights)
- or
- digitalWrite(PinX, HIGH); // = Off (for Relays or Lights with just on/off control)
- digitalWrite(PinX, LOW); // = On (for Relays or Lights with just on/off control)
if you are only controlling small sections of strip or a few RGB Led Modules you could do something like this Arduino Knight Rider with 8 Blue 12v LED Modules