Arduino Laser&Sound Flash Trigger

Arduino Duemilanove based Flash Trigger.
Arduino Duemilanove based DSLR or Flash Trigger with laser/sound activation and potentiometer threshhold control. PushButton system for start/stop the code and switching between sensor modes.
It can be also used as DSLR or SLR trigger directly. When you turn it ON the code is stopped and status LED is on, so you can setup your rig without constant flashing. PushButton
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Amount Part Type Properties 1 Rectifier Diode package 300 mil [THT]; type Rectifier; part number 1N4001 5 Generic female header - 2 pins package THT; hole size 1.0mm,0.508mm; row single; form ♀ (female); pins 2; pin spacing 0.1in (2.54mm) 1 Optocoupler package THT; part 4N35 2 Pushbutton package THT; switching circuit SPST; default state Normally Open 1 100 Ω Resistor package THT; tolerance ±5%; resistance 100Ω; pin spacing 400 mil 1 10k Ω Resistor package THT; tolerance ±5%; resistance 10kΩ; pin spacing 400 mil 2 2.2k Ω Resistor package THT; tolerance ±5%; resistance 2.2kΩ; pin spacing 400 mil 2 220 Ω Resistor package THT; tolerance ±5%; resistance 220Ω; pin spacing 400 mil 1 Arduino processor ATmega; variant Arduino 2 Rotary Potentiometer (Small) size Rotary - 9mm; track Linear; type Rotary Shaft Potentiometer; maximum resistance 10kΩ