Arduino Stepper, 2 Button Direction

Control stepper with directional buttons using a4988 Pololu driver.
I can't take any credit for this project with the exception of making it available to all of you. I searched the web for hours to find a combination of things what would work the way I need them to. This is the end results to get a skate wheel to turn when the corresponding direction button is pushed.
Things you will need:
Arduino Uno or Mega (probably other Arduino's but I'm not sure which).
Adafruit Protoshield or breadboard.
Various connectors to connect power and motor.
Stepper Motor ( Mine is a six wire bipolar but I don't use the center taps.
Skate Wheel (
Skate Wheel Adapter (
Stepper Driver (
and a power supply that has enough power to power your motor and Adruino.