Self-Navigating robot. I'm building one now. Will update the result. Critiques are welcomed.
Final project for EEL 4935B Makecourse
Meterial used:
Breadboard x1
HC-SR84 x1 (can be replaced with VL53L0X)
VL53L0X x6
L298N x2
DC motor x4
Arduino UNO x1 (can be replaced with other Arduinos or Raspberry Pi)
Chasisses, 4-wheel drive (in this case 3D printed)
Currently, the bot can only avoid obsticle, wall-following, avoid pit-fall. It cannot navigate from point a to point be.
Further down in development, there will be a camera for blob detection for tracking and navigating.
Camera x1 (not shown in the diagram)
Servo, 360 degree x1 (not shown)
Update 30 March 2020:
Changed wiring VL53L0Xs. Due to all VL53L0Xs had the same address, the Arduino saw only one device. Found solution on Pololu Robots & Electronics.
Update 6 April 2020:
connect front and rear vL53L0Xs
Update 28 April 2020:
Completed more or less according to the diagram. The problem is this is a digital control because I forego enable pins for L298N. Simply, because I ran out of pin on the Arduino. This means that either I set motor to high or low, on or off. However, due to many function of what if, I have been able program the robot to take actions navigating away from obstacles. My original idea has been to use I2C connecting two Arduinoes together. One Arduino (master) receives and drive while the other (slave) constantly sending sensors information (pilot and navigator relationship).
Source code is uploaded with this update.
There was an AutoCAD Inventor 3D model for the body of the automaton. This design model would have been printed with a 3D printer. However, due to COVID-19, I could not have it printed the the lab on the USF campus. I would eventually buy one when I test drive the all the models on campus first.
Update 01 May 2020:
Completed the project. Finished beta version of software scripts. Add YouTube video for the conclusion of the project.
Here's the YouTube link for the result of the project.