Bioreactor Circuit Model
This is a circuit will a number of sensors that will be used for a bioreactor
Monitoring ambient temperature and humidity
Used the BME280 adafruit sensor
SPI bus protocol was used to connect the sensor the Raspberry pi 3
Vin from the sensor was connected to 5V
GND was connect to ground
SCK was connected to SPI SCLK (pin 23)
SDO was connected to MISO (pin 21)
SDI was connected to MOSI (pin 19)
CS (chip select) was connected to GPIO 29 (pin 40)
Note CS must be set to 0 to enable the chip
Monitoring pH
The EZO embedded pH circuit was connected to the Raspberry pie
The EZO Carrier board will be used to connect the embedded pH with the pH probe from this kit
The EZO carrier board will connect to the embedded pH circuit through PGND and PRB
The I2C protocol was used to connect the sensor to RP 3
VCC was connected to 5v with GND was grounded
TX was connected to SDA0 (pin 27)
RX was connected to SCL0 (pin 28)
Used I2C address will be 0X63
Controlling pH
Two peristaltic pump will be connected to the system (one for acidic solution, one for basic solution)
DC motors were used in the circuit to represent the peristaltic pump
The ULN2003A transistors array will be used to connect the DC motor to the raspberry pi
GPIO ports were used to connect the Raspberry Pi to the the ULN2003A
The Raspberry Pi ports controlling motor1 are GPIO0 (pin 11) and GPIO2 (pin 13)
The Raspberry Pi ports controlling motor2 are GPIO3 (pin 15) and GPIO10 (pin 24)
Monitoring water oxygen
THe EZO D.O. embedded circuit will be connect to the Raspberry pie
The gravity analog D.O. meter will be used to connect the water oxygen probe to the embedded D.O. circuit
The UART bus protocol will be used
VCC is connect to 5v and GND is grounded
PRB and PGND are connected to the gravity analog D.O meter
TX is connected to RXD (pin 10)
RX is connected to TXD (pin 8)
Default baud is at 9600
Monitoring growth
A 633nm LED will be connected to VCC and GND (might need to add a resistor in the circuit) - no need to buy the LED, they are easily accessible, just like wires
The TSL2591 light sensor will be used
I2C protocol will be used to connect the sensor to the Raspberry Pi
Vin will be connected to 5V and GND to ground
SCL will be connected to SCL1 (pin 5)
SDA will be connected to SDA1 (pin 3)
The I2C address will be 0X29
Controlling growth
A peristaltic pump system, like the one used to control pH, will be used
The Raspberry Pi ports that will connect to the motor will be GPIO 27(pin 36) and GPIO 26 (pin 32)