BLE Remote Control for LEGO Topgear Rally Car
RC Car Hanset for control of Bluetooth low energy based LEGO Technic Cars.
There is an ongooing discussion about missing real handset for control of BLE based LEGO "PoweredUp" Technic sets, like TOPGear Rally car.
My intention is to prove that is neither much expensiv nor too complicated to start, even for a hobby "maker" .
I have made a simple example based on :
Adafruit nrf2840 feather express board.
Hardware (Switch, battery cradle, casing,button, potentiometer) where a re-use of originaly RC Car Transmitter. I "only" replaced original µC and RC Sender unit by BLE Board with "some" code and
some rewiring on the PCB.
Code is based on Adafruit Bluefruit framework and
published LEGO wireless protocol
see links attached.
Software is developed using Visual Studio Code with plattform IO extension.
Project is in "Workbase" stage, will add more detailed documentation and code at a later stage.
Feel free to ask: marc.rupprath@