Bluetooth temperature logging

Offline Temperature logger with bluetooth connection based on rdfduino. Temperatures can be logged for 1 month and survive power (battery) failure.
The termperatures can be retrieved via bluetooth connection to a smartphone (etc). An android phone app is in production. A simple project which rivals commercial function.
The rfduino can be reused for other arduino projects, or trimmed down to produce a neat remote temperature sensor.
I intend to publish the source code (arduino and android app) for this system. Watch this space.
NOTE: a simple version of the PCB can be built on stripboard without an EEPROM as a trial.
The bill of materials is:
1. Rfduino components:
- RFD22102 - processor
- RFD22121 - USB shield for programming - only needed once!
- RFD22127 - single AAA battery shield
2.Fritzing PCB - see attached file. The components are:
- 579-24LC256-I/SMG 32K EEPROM SO08 package
- PAT0805E4701BST1 4.7K resistor. 0805 package
- 700-DS18B20ZT&R DS18B20 sensor SO08 package (Or use TO-92 alternative 700-DS18B20PAR)
Assembly instructions (incomplete, but should give the idea):
- Solder three components to the PCB. The PCB fits over the rfduino GPIO pins like a mini-shield.
- Install rfduino programming tools on PC/Mac
- Assemblethe rfduino with the USB shield and plug into the PC/MAC
- Download rfduino software (url tbd) and load it onto the rfduino
- Remove the USB programmer and assemble the rfduino with the battery power supply.
- Turn on.
- Download phone app to see temperature log in graphical form
Details of software downloads to follow.