The electronic schematic for BuTO robot. I use Nano modification libarary as genuino MKR1000. MKR1000 is used as main controller, and Arduino Uno as slave microcontroller.

The electronic schematic for BuTO robot. I use Nano modification libarary as genuino MKR1000. MKR1000 is used as main controller, and Arduino Uno as slave microcontroller.


MKR1000 is connected to 2 Hitec standart servos, 4 dynamixel servos (via 74ls241), and Uno (as slave controller). In the schematics, i just draw one servo dynamixel, because we just need 2 pins (GND and data) for controlling more than 1 dynamixel servo. In real hardware, 4 servo dynamixel connected in series.


Uno board is connected to a LCD 16x2 display and 4 BTS7960B motor drivers.