Connect, control and read an 4 wire fan.
This project shows how to connect, controland read an 4 wire computerfan,
This is the first one of several little projects that i
intend to upload, they explain the working of usual
or undocumented parts that i experimented with.
To power the fan you need an external powersource, in this case i used a 12 volt 1,5Amp DC Adapter.
But any other source that meet the requierements ofthe fan wil do.
Arduino UNO-R3
External powersource 12volt DC 1,5 Amp
Potentiometer 1 KOhm.
4 wire fan
The wiring colorcode for fan i used is as follows.
Nidec TA350DC Nidec TA450DC
+ 12 volt Red Red
- 12 volt Black Black
PWM yellow White
Sensor Blue Blue
Make sure that -12volt eg Gnd is connected to the Arduino Gnd.
No aditional libraries are needed.
The output of the code is just on the serial port.
So after flashing, open the serial monitor for
reading the values.
The potentiometer can easely be replaced by any sensor, as long as the output on the PWM port is converted to 0 to 255.
For example with an Temp. sensor you can control the cooling of your tablefan, or the cooling of your campervan fridge.
Good Luck, Jay