In this DIY tutorial, we will be going to make an homemade arduino board by using ATmega328 microcontroller.

An arduino board consists of both a physical programmable development board, which is based on a AVR microcontroler, and a piece of software or IDE which runs on your computer and used to write and upload the code to the microcontroller board. So in this DIY tutorial, we will be going to make an homemade arduino board with ATmega328 microcontroller.


Arduino uses a boot loader. Boot loader is a piece of software that allows the new software to be burned on it. So here we will discuss How to Burn a Boot Loader in a Fresh ATmega328 Chip and Build a Homemade Arduino on PCB. In Arduino UNO we use ATmega328 IC so that I select this one to demonstrate this project.


These are the components required for the project:

  • Arduino UNO Board with IC and cable
  • Atmega328 IC
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting wires
  • 16 MHz crystal oscillator
  • 10 K resistor

You can find the steps required to burn the bootloader and make this DIY homemade arduino board here