Electronic weather station system that includes two electronic weather stations that communicate via XBEE RF modules. One of the weather stations uploads the data from both weather stations to a companion Website. There is a Web-based control panel software used to modify system operations. Programmable power-down intervals modified over the Web.

The zip file containing all the technical data for constructing the system can be downloaded from Source Forge at the following link:




I have not yet developed the textual instructions for building the system, but I am working on it. Using the Fritzing software, I laid-out the PCB's and produced the etchable PDF's. Using the etchable pdf's I etched my own boards (single-sided). Moving forward, I will be posting information and documentation using the technical data contained in the ZIP file as the basis of the discussions in the documentation.


My Blog URL is :




By the way...at first I got frustrated using Fritzing, but eventually I found work-arounds to get Fritzing to work reliably and stably for me. Now I love to use Fritzing.


Anthony Greene