Mini Greenhouse (1,20 m X 0,60 m X 0,60 m)
Objectives: Heating - Aeration - Irrigation Behavior: Event when the temperature is low or high and the soil is dry
File: GreenHouse1.8_par1.ino
Processor: Arduino UNO, MEGA
Language: Wiring / C / Arduino IDE
Objectives: Heating - Aeration - Irrigation
Behavior: Event when the temperature is low or high and the soil is dry
Note: 1.8 TFT LCD 128Χ160
DHT-11 Sensor of Temperature and Humitide
DHT-21 Sensor of Temperature and Humitide
Soil Moisture Sensor and Hygrometer Module
Potentiometer1 change limit Moisture
Potentiometer2 change limit Temperature
Relay1_AirIn to Blower Fan IN
Relay2_AirOut to Blower Fan OUT
Relay3_Lamp to Hot Lamp
Relay4_Water to Water Pump
Author: Billy Gkekas
Starting Date: Saturday, 29-10-2018
Place: Greece, Ptolemaida
This project contains public domain code.
The modification is allowed without notice.
in the fritzing design we can get voltage 5v from arduino
or from power supply.
Ask me for more.
In the future
A third potentiometer will be added to adjust the amount of time it takes for the sensors to read the data again.