Hot wire foam cutter - Arduino PWM
Last time I did the Hot wire foam cutter but I missed the temperature control. So that's why I made a simple PWM control. The whole project was based on Arduino ATtiny85 Digispark. For this project I only needed three pins, so the ATtiny85 is fine. Also I carried the wires in the PVC pipes.
Last time I did the Hot wire foam cutter but I missed the temperature control. So that's why I made a simple PWM control. The whole project was based on Arduino ATtiny85 Digispark. For this project I only needed three pins, so the ATtiny85 is fine. Also I carried the wires in the PVC pipes.
Step 1: Components
- Arduino Digispark ATtiny85
- Plastic box for electronics
- Some wires
- IRF530
- 5 x resistors 1k ohm
- 2 x resistors 100 ohm
- 1 x potentiometer 10k ohm
- 2 x BC547
- 1 x LED 3v
- 1 x 7812
- Hot wire foam cutter
See more: Hot wire foam cutter - Arduino PWM