IoT Based Smart Biometric Attendance System using Arduino

In this project our aim is to leverage IoT into the traditional boring attendance systems to make it smart and more effective. Most conventional attendance systems available today store the information over a micro SD card and have to be connected to software via a computer to access the information. Here, we will build a biometric attendance system using Arduino that scans for finger print and on successful identification of the person it will log the information to a cloud platform like ThingsBoard by using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.
We will be writing two Arduino scripts for this program. One for the ESP8266-01 Module and the other is for Arduino UNO. The reason is that Arduino was not able to handle both GT511C3 sensor and ESP8266 through AT commands via software serial. Hence we will write two codes, one for Arduino in which it will communicate with the FPS and send the obtained values via software serial to ESP8266. The other code will be written for ESP8266 which will enable the module to be connected to the Thingsboard server and then will receive the values from arduino through serial communication to update them on Thingsboard Dashboard.
You can find the all the necessary details and instructions to build this project on at the below link:
You can also check the below video for the complete working of the smart attendance system project.