IoT Home Automation with Raspberry Pi

In this project we will be controlling AC appliances with the click of buttons on a webpage using internet. Using this you can control your Home appliances from anywhere in the world. This web server can be run from any device which can run HTML applications, like Smart Phone, tablet, computer etc.
The hardware and software requirements to build this IoT based home automtaion system, is as follows.
Hardware Requirements:
- Raspberry Pi 3 (Any other Version will be nice)
- Memory card 8 or 16GB running Raspbian Jessie
- 5v Relay
- 2n222 transistors
- Diodes
- Jumper Wires
- Connection Blocks
- LEDs to test.
- AC lamp to Test
- Breadboard and jumper cables
- 220 or 100 ohms resistor
Software Requirements:
Asides the Raspbian Jessie operating system running on the raspberry pi, we will also be using the WebIOPi frame work, notepad++ running on your PC and filezila to copy files from the PC to the raspberry pi, especially the web app files.
Also you dont need to code in Python for this Home Automation Project, WebIOPi will do all the work.
Once you have all the required components, you can follow the step by step instructions given on the below link to create a web application and use raspberry pi to connect with AC home appliances using 5V 5-pin relay.
DIY Tutotiral: IoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Automation