LED ON/OFF using TWO push button

LED ON/OFF with two push button using ARDUINO MEGA
This is a series of simple projects aimed at getting started with Arduino. This will cover most of the important peripherals of the Arduino starting from simple Digital I/Os to ADC and communication interfaces etc.
In the first set of projects the following are included. They are basically about the Digital I/Os and ADC on the arduino.
2.LED ON using push button
3.AC BULB ON using push button
4.Running LED'S
5.Running LED'S when button pressed
6.LED ON/OFF using two buttons
7.LED BLINK with adjustable delays
8.POTENTIOMETER as ADC input display serial monitor
9.LDR light controller
11.Temperature controller
In this experiment we are going to see LED'S ON/OFF which is controlled by two push button
connect the LED'S to pin 9,10 and push buttons to 3,4 and give 5V powersupply and groundsupply.