MB8 – mini ballbot version 8
The aim of this project is to design, construct, and validate a model-based concept of a robot that performs locomotion by balancing on a ball, utilising a linear quadratic regulator in the controller. Throughout the entirety of this project, the ball balancing device will be referred to as mini ball-bot version 8, aptly abbreviated to MB8.
The aim of this project is to design, construct, and validate a model-based concept of a robot that performs locomotion by balancing on a ball, utilising a linear quadratic regulator in the controller. With the help of 3D printing technologies and shrinking electronics, this project will produce a significantly lighter or more portable version, compared to CMU’s ball-bot [lauwers2006dynamically], at approximately 300mm in height. This design will be mechanically similar to Yang et al.’s MBBR (see [yang2015design] and Fig. 1).