N-Channel Switch
Switch between two RC receivers can be used for training or UAV.
Your title here... ================== This is a general purpose device, so it can be used in different fields; however it was specifically designed to target RC planes. In UAV planes you may need to take-off and land using your own skills not autonomously using plane computer. You can easily and instantly take control from your plan. Same need when testing your UAV you need to make sure that if something went wrong you are still able to get it back again. The idea here is that this switch is completely isolated from your complex UAV logic, so if main processor hangs due to software bug you can still access this switch and get your plan back. Another use of this switch is when trainer a new pilot on RC Planes. You no longer need to have the same type of transmitters; you can even use your FM together with his 2.4 GHz in a master slave combination. All you need to do is to put two receivers on that plane, connect them to the switch and you can start your training session safely.