Arduino nano at-tiny programmer.
-------------I think it is broken?------------------
This uses a Arduino nano with its header pins up side down. if you don't want to re-solder your header pins or you don't have a nano i have written the required pins needed to wire up the small board.
parts required the nanogrammer PCB 1 10uF cap 1 220Ω resistor (optional) 1 led (optional)
Assembly steps
solder the 220Ω resistor in place(it does not
matter which way it goes in)
next solder the 10uF cap with the white stripe
facing the name (nanogrammer)(i recommend
that you lay the cap down so there is more
room for the led and so it is not so tall)
almost there, solder the led with the longer
led in the hole with the +
one last step, now you can solder the dip
socket for the At-tiny and the female
header pins for the nano (or male header
pins for a bread board)
if you did not solder the led/resistor there is no point soldering the resistor/led.
if bread-boarding you need to connect the reset
power and ground as well as the digital pins.
from the top left hand corner (with the
logo facing you) the second pin is the gnd,
the third pin is reset and the fourth pin id