This is a variation of the light theremin project featured in the Arduino starter kit. I used the Nano instead of the Arduino Uno in this case.

The Nano theremin is a variation of the light theremin project described in the book accompanying the Arduino starter kit. Instead of the Arduino Uno, I used a Nano board. Other possible variations of this project may include other boards such as the Micro and Leonardo. You might also consider building a shield for the Uno and include the appropriate components: 10 kilOhm resistor, piezo buzzer and photocell (light dependent resistor). Adding a battery and enclosure are optional as well.


The photographs accompanying this project show a Printed circuit board with the resistor, photocell and buzzer soldered in place. In one photograph, the circuit board is connected to the Nano by way of a solderless bread board. In the other photograph, all components are wired together. 


In this example, let us consider using a solderless bread board.

1. Position the Nano in the middle of the breadboard.


3. Insert the resistor so the end of one leg is in the grounding rail (-) and the end of the other leg faces a leg of the photocell. It might be easier to position the resistor on the photecell's right side.

Leave one or two pin holes between the end of the resistor and the end of the photocell. Use one of the pin holes in step 7.


4. Insert a shorter jumper wire on the other side of the photocell. One end goes faces the photocell's leg and the other goes to the power rail (+) .


5. Insert the buzzer. In the diagram, the red power lead (+) goes to Digital pin 8 on the Nano. You will probably need a jumper wire to accomplish this.


6. The black ground lead (-) of the buzzer goes to the ground rail. Use a separate jumper wire if needed.


7, Connect a jumper wire between A0 (Analog 0) and the resistor. 


8. Add jumper wires connecting 5V to the red (+) power rail and Ground to the ground (-) rail of the bread board.


9. Connect the Nano. Upload the code. Note: the code is the same as the Light theremin example in the Arduino starter kit.


10. Note when the sound begins. Wave a hand over the photocell and notice variations in sound.