Object Avoiding Vehicle

This a very basic model of a vehicle which can avoid object through sensing it.
This a very basic model of a vehicle which can avoid object through sensing it. Just for experimenting I am using infra-red transmitter and receiver. At the moment this project is just suppose to "Avoid" objects not avoiding and keeping it self on track but I am working on it. So when it detects and object it changes direction and keep going until it detects another object. for example if you have played snake on nokia phones, the way you control the snake is the same way this vehicle is controlled by the Micro Controller.
Input: The input contains two sets of Infra red transmitter and receiver. The receiver is basically a photo transistor connected to the inputs of the micro through a 1kR resistors.
Output: The output contains 2 5V DC motors connected to micro controller's output pins via BC547 transistor (the output circuit is taken from PICAXE manual in the I/O section).
Process: The processing is done a PICAXE-18M2 micro controller which senses the input and runs the motors connected on the outputs of the micro controller via transistors. These motors/output pins are turned high depending upon the signal it gets from the input pins, so if there is no object both motors will run but when left sensor detects an object the left motor will stop and the right motor will keep running which will turn the vehicle, and same process applies to the right hand sensor and motor.