A model boat approach an obstacle, an optical sensor detects ATmega128 or Arduino Uno. The programmed card interprets the signal and activates the horn. Then she orders the servo1 to open the door, then servo2 for going out the man, then servo3 maketh his arm and an output, command the playback of an audio file. At the end of reading the servo3 down the arm, back to the 0, then servo 2 to 0 and servo1 closes the door. All with delay because the events need not be simultaneous.
I have not yet begun programming, just the file Sweepservo3.ino
A model boat is approaching another vessel or an obstacle, he honks 2 times then a door opens, a man comes out, throws his megaphone and shouts "trimmed to work." Then he enters the cab and closes the door.
Well now, It's easy to say. In fact it will be rather complicated. It Must be a sequence, a sketch
The boat approach an obstacle, an optical sensor plugged into a card detects ATmega128 or Uno. The programmed card interprets the signal and activates the horn (2 times). Then it orders the servo1 to open the door, then servo2 get out the man, then servo3 maketh his arm and a digital output, or a switch command, causes the playback of an audio file. At the end of reading the servo3 down the arm, back to 0 Servo2 also and servo1 closes the door. All with delay because the events need not be simultaneous.