Raspberry Pi Intruder Alert with Pi Camera

In this IoT based project we build a Home Security System with PIR Sensor and PI Camera along with Raspberry Pi 3. It will detect the presence of Intruder and quickly alert the user by sending him a alert mail.
In this project a PIR sensor is used to detect the presence of any person and a Pi Camera is used to capture the images when the presence it detected.
Whenever an intruder comes in range of PIR sensor, PIR Sensor triggers the Pi Camera through Raspberry Pi. Raspberry pi sends commands to Pi camera to click the picture and save it. After it, Raspberry Pi creates a mail and sends it to the defined mail address with recently clicked images. The mail contains a message and picture of intruder as attachment. Here we have used the message “Please find the attachment”, you can change it accordingly in the Code given at the end.
Here the pictures are saved in Raspberry Pi with the name which itself contains the time and date of entry. So that we can check the time and date of intruder entry by just looking at the Picture name.
A code is written in the python which you can find in attachement. You can visit this project page to understsand the concepts of this project in more detail and watch the demonstration video of this intruder system working. If you are new to raspberry pi, you would like to check few basic tutorials and projects, to learn raspberry pi.