Shift_out Board 2.0 - 7-Segment or LED driver board

Use 6 Shiftregisters 74HC595 to connect 6 "7-Segment Digits" (common cathode) or light up 48 LED´s with just 5 Pins of your Arduino or Raspberry Pi
This board contains 6 shiftregisters 74HC595. They are able to cascade and so you can also connect two or more boards together to get more Pins for driving LED´s for excample. I added a small code for testing and driving these boards. For building it up, easiest way would be to first soldering in the resistors between the female 9 pin headers and shiftregisters. I have used 220 OHM resistors, but the value depends on your need for the leds you like to drive. ( 5V current ) - after soldering in the resistors (lots of work) - you solder in the shiftregisters. Very important to check they are inserted the right way or the circuit will not work. Now you have to solder in the female 9 pin headers around the board. Now just solder in the two leds and watch the polarity "!!!" - and you can choose a 8 Pin female or male connector to connect the driving pins to your Arduino or like me, i´ve just soldered in some jumpwires for easy handling and less loose connections. You will also find a IR - Encoder Diode on this Board for receiving ir signals and these are connected via IR Data to your Arduino. So you can drive your Segement Displays etc. via IR Remote. The two leds are just for programming and optical use. Nothing you have to use with the shiftregisters, but fun to program because you can see what happens on your board. For testing LEDs i have added a LED tester to the board. It already has a resistor so you can safely hold your leds to the contacts and check if they are working right. ANODE +, Cathode - For using the Shift_out 2.0 Board I"ve attached a small sketch. It has been written for driving 7 segment LED Displays. Each shiftregister drives one digit. Just connect them and have fun. PINS : 7 Segment Digit ( Common Cathode!!! ) bottom - Pin 1 bottom right - Pin 2 bottom left - Pin 5 middle - Pin 3 upper left - Pin 7 Top - Pin 6 upper right - Pin 4 If wanted you can connect Pin 8 to the Dot anode of the digit. Just connect every digit the same way and with the same pins to the shiftregisters and with my Arduino sketch you can see how shifting works. The number displayed on the dirst digit will be shiftet after one second to the second digit, to the third digit and so on..... Would love to see your Projects with my PCB. Show me on my Facebooksite : Have fun and make something awesome....