SimpleDuino. Single sided Arduino clone
SimpleDuino is a single sided arduino compatable board. This board does not follow the standard Arduino pinout for shields and requires a serial connection either via FTDI or using an Arduino as an ISP.
What is a SimpleDuino?
SimpleDuino is a single sided arduino compatible board. This board does not follow the standard Arduino pinout for shields and requires a serial connection either via FTDI, using an Arduino as an ISP or a direct serial connection via parallel.
Parts List:
- ATmega168 or ATmega328
- 2x 22pF capacitors
- 1x 16MHz crystal
- 1x 5mm LED
- 1x momentary button
- 1x 10k resistor
- 1x 220 ohm resistor
- Your choice of male or female headers
- All parts from MKI list
- L7805 or LM7805 voltage regulator
- 2x 10uF capacitors
NB: J3 (comming from ATmega pin 1) requires a wire link soldered to J4 (under RST pin on the programming header). [only applicable for MKI & MKII boards]
- Added a voltage regulator to allow input from a range of power supplies between 7.5 and 25v. Header pins are still available for a regulated 5v input.
- Reduced footprint to around 70 x 31mm (2¾ x 1¼").
- Removed the programming header to save space, use the following pinout for programming:
- MOSI use D11
- MISO use D12
- SCK use D13
- RST use Reset (ATmega pin 1)
Components ID:
- C1,C2 = 10uF
- C3,C4 = 22pF
- R1 = 10k
- R2 = 220 ohm
Update: I have released a revision for each board solving an issue that causes the SimpleDuino to continually re-set (all good now).
It's my first go at Fritzing so please let me know if there are any errors.