Whack a Mole in arduino!

A normal Whack-a-Mole game made for arduino, if you score 200, you win. Enjoy!!



  1. 5 blue led;
  2. 1 green led;
  3. 1 yellow led;
  4. 1 red led;
  5. 1 active buzzer;
  6. 35+ risisters in total(100Ω, 220Ω, 330Ω);
  7. 48+ wires;
  8. 5 pushbuttons(switches);
  9. 3 7-segment diplay(1 digit);
  10. Arduino Mega (2560);
  11. 2 breadboards

P.S. :

* There doesn't have to have 2 breadboards, as long as you have something to put the 7-segment displays.

* The wirings are a little messy, and if you find it hard to read, you can just drag the breadboard around to see it better.

* Enjoy!