Our Publications

Fritzing Info Brochure (hi-res, low-res)
Other languages: German
Comprehensive description of all things Fritzing
By Uleshka Ascher

Advanced prototyping with Fritzing
André Knörig, Brendan Howell
Studio Description, in Proceedings of Tangible, Embodied and Embedded Interaction 2010, Boston, USA

Fritzing Postcard
Nice flyer used at various events and sometimes shipped with the Starter Kit

General Fritzing presentation
Slides on Fritzing presented at various occassions

SVG in Fritzing: A Case Study
Jonathan Cohen, Brendan Howell, Mariano Crowe
Paper presented at SVG Open 2009, Mountain View, USA
Presentation slides

Tools for Prototyping of Organic UIs
Reto Wettach
Paper presented at the Workshop on Programming RealitiesCHI 2009, Boston, USA.

Fritzing Workflow Poster
A comprehensive poster explaining the how and what of Fritzing
Poster, presented at Tangible and Embedded Interfaces 2009, Cambridge, UK

Fritzing – A tool for advancing electronic prototyping for designers (ACM)
André Knörig, Reto Wettach, Jonathan Cohen
Paper, in Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interfaces 2009, Cambridge, UK

Die Fritzing Online-Community
Jannis Leidel
Bachelor Thesis, Bauhaus-University Weimar, 2009. (in german)

Design Tools Design: How to design tools for designers, and a proposal of two new tools for the design of physical interactions
André Knörig
Master Thesis, Univ. of Applied Sciences Potsdam, 2008.



These books use Fritzing to illustrate examples:

Making Things Talk (2nd Ed.), by Tom Igoe (O'Reilly)

Arduino: Praxiseinstieg, by Thomas Brühlmann (mltp, German)

Beginning Arduino, by Michael McRoberts (Apress)

Building Wireless Sensor Networks, by Rob Faludi (O'Reilly)

Environmental Monitoring with Arduino, by Emily Gertz, Patrick di Justo (O'Reilly)

Praxisbuch Arduino, by Ulli Sommer (Franzis, German)

Beginning Android ADK with Arduino, by Mario Böhmer (apress)

Arduino - A Practical Guide, by Maik Schmitt (Pragmatic)

Die elektronische Welt mit Arduino entdecken, by Erik Bartmann (O'Reilly, German)

and many more..


Classical Press

Fritzing with the Arduino
In Nuts and Volts Aug 12

Desktop Gardening
In WEAVE 02.2012

Elektronik für Kreative
In Technology Review (German) Dec 2011

Fritzing - Le logiciel d'électronique gratuit
In Eletronique Pratique, #356, Dec 10

Doing it for themselves
In Viewpoint Magazine, #27, Dec 10

Shake, rattle 'n' roll: Mikrokontroller-Programmierung mit dem gewissen Dreh
In c't 16/2009, pp. 164-169

User Centered Interfaces – was nach Wii und iPhone kommt
In Weave Preview-Edition, May 09

Kluge Dinge: Das neue Netz (Smart Things: The New Web)
In DE:BUG 127.2008

Tangible Interfaces: Schnittstellen machen Daten anfassbar
In c't 21/2008, pp. 86-88



André Knörig on Fritzing as a creative tool (German)
Talk at Creative Coding, Bayreuth, 2010

Reto Wettach on democratizing hardware (German, Audio only)
Interview at breitband, DeutschlandRadio Kultur, Dec 2009

Reto Wettach on why Fritzing is important for designers
Talk at UID Fall Summit, Umea, Nov 2009

André Knörig on Fritzing's history and vision
Talk at UID Fall Summit, Umea, Nov 2009

Fritzing Introduction (German version)
Nice Teaser Video by Stefan Hermann, Sep 2009

Starting with Arduino (Part 2)
Beginner's tutorial by Stefan Hermann using Fritzing, Mar 2009

Reto Wettach on democratizing production of electronics
Panel discussion at Transmediale, Berlin, Jan 2009

Dirk van Oosterbosch on Fritzing's UI design
Talk at ThisHappened.nl, Utrecht, Nov 2008



Selected blog posts - stopped counting... please just use this Google search.

freeduino.de 1.12.2009 Fritzing Fab, 24 mal Merry Fritzmas
rekeeb 1.12.2009 Viva the PCB!
Make Blog 19.11.2009 Ask MAKE: Software for designing circuits
bausteln 12.11.2009 Fritzing 0.3.10 erschienen
core77 2.10.2009 Sketching in Hardware is Changing Your Life
hack-a-day 25.8.2009 Fritzing, go from prototype to prodcut
Javi Perez 23.7.2009 Videotutoriales Ubuntu: Fritzing
heise 28.5.2009 Hardhack: Lötzinn, Musik und der Geruch von verbranntem Plastik
ycombinator hacker news 24.5.2009 Fritzing - opensource circuit sketching tool for Arduino
Inspiring Interaction 15.3.2009 Fritzing: Vom Prototypen zum Produkt
Golem.de 17.2.2009 Fritzing hilft beim Rapid Prototyping
MAKE Blog 25.12.2008 Merry Fritzmas
MAKE Blog 18.12.2008 Fritzing: Open source PCB Design
Experimental Media 13.11.2008 Fritzing and "Virtual Prototyping"
The Daily Duino 17.9.2008 Fritzing and Eagle
del.icio.us 2.2008 Hotlist of the day
MAKE Blog 30.1.2008 Fritzing adds PCB design to the Arduino and Processing family
DES_RES_TRALALA Blog 10.10.2007 Fritzing
Digital Tools Blog 6.10.2007 Fritzing - From Prototype to Product
Pixelsumo Blog 7.9.2007 Fritzing
Arduino Blog 28.8.2007 Fritzing: supporting the transition from prototype to product.